Environmental Analysis

Purpose-built facilities that provide a range of microbiological, organic, and inorganic environmental analytical services.
17025 SANAS Accredited Testing.

Total Water Management
Elemental accuracy
Real-world Insight
Live online results
Long Term Understanding

Everything we do revolves around supporting innovative change. In order to implement the most appropriate measures and monitor progress at each step, it’s imperative we begin by understanding what we’re dealing with at an elemental level. The more accurate the science, the better the result for our clients.

Talbot owns and operates state-of-the-art SANAS-accredited laboratories as well as a network of self-help depots across South Africa. Proudly South AfricanTM with a Level 1 B-BBEE rating, these facilities have been purpose-built to provide a range of microbiological, organic, and inorganic environmental analytical services.

SANA Testing Laboratory
Talbot Environmental Analysis

Our Capabilities

Water analyses

Blue Drop, Green Drop, potability, environmental contamination, emerging contaminants, and pollutants of concern (Against the SANS 241-1: 2015, discharge and other legislative standards).

Waste analyses

Lab analyses, assessments, and classifications per Regulations GN R634, GN R635 and SANS 10234. We also generate Safety Data Sheets.

Contaminated land assessment

Full suite of organic and inorganic analyses listed as soil screening values in the National Norms and Standards GN R331 and international.

Sewage sludge classification

Testing and classification services in accordance with established guidelines. Precise analyses to determine sludge properties for its efficient utilisation or safe disposal.

Marine studies

Benthic surveys, sampling and laboratory analysis of marine and estuarine samples (chemical and biological).

Microbiological analyses

Microscopy, Legionella, and all environmental microbiological analyses.

Sampling and sample collection service

Sampling and auto-sampling capabilities. Logistical support in the form of sampling bottles, kits and couriers, often at minimal or no additional charge.

Research and development

Jar tests, biomethane potential testing (BMP) and adhoc bench trials.

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