Talbot News

Successful operation of a wastewater treatment plant resulting in significant savings

Increasing pressure on water resources is leading to a global rise in supply-risk and cost of total water management.  At Talbot & Talbot we help our clients to understand and mitigate their water risk, effect water-related savings and enhance business sustainability through the analysis and assessment of their water use to the design, implementation, construction and management of bespoke solutions.

Often industries do not operate their wastewater treatment plants at design capacity, exceed discharge specifications and in general do not optimise the associated operational costs.  Talbot & Talbot has designed, installed and optimised the operations of wastewater treatment plants across Africa for almost 30 years.

We recently started operating a wastewater treatment plant on behalf of one of our food & beverage clients who had up until then managed the plant with in-house resources.  A three month period was provided for Talbot & Talbot to prove value through optimised plant management and operation.

Within the first month, our on-site interventions including process optimisation, plant maintenance, changes to chemical use and improved housekeeping, resulted in the wastewater plant being brought in line with plant design capacity and measured final wastewater parameters met the municipal discharge specifications.  After continued optimisation and within three months we demonstrated a 57% saving on chemical costs compared to in-house management.  This saving continues with Talbot & Talbot taking total accountability for the performance of the plant.

Our integrated on-site approach comprising daily client interaction upstream of the wastewater plant, engagement with municipal representatives and appropriate research forms the basis of our success and is testament to our commitment in offering effective solutions.

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